
bible bible bible!

i read you way too long! bible bible bible! now you're in my song!
(tune = dreidel song)

as job asked, how long will you torment me and break me in pieces with words? answer: T minus 3.5 hours. then i will forget you and your rampant homophobia and misogyney.

okay, back to studying. just for the record: i don't feeeeeel gooooood, i'm okay, and i'm sorry.


bandit said...

shaynie, shaynie, shaynie
i hope you ace your test

shaynie shaynie shaynie
make sure to do your best!


Anonymous said...

katie katie katie
i'm oh so very bored

katie katie katie
i wish i had a sword


bandit said...

shaynie shaynie shaynie
but violence is so wrong!

shaynie shaynie shaynie
i hope you like my song!